In January 2022, RBI came out with Registration of Factors (Reserve Bank) Regulations 2022. The regulations state that every company seeking registration as NBFC-Factor shall have a minimum Net Owned Fund (NOF) of Rs.5 crore, or as specified by the Reserve Bank from time to time. Any existing NBFC-ICC (Investment Credit Company), intending to undertake factoring business, shall make an application to the Reserve Bank for grant of CoR (Certificate of Registration) under the Act if it satisfies the following eligibility criteria: (a) not accepting or holding public deposits; (b) total assets of ₹1,000 crore and above, as per the last audited balance sheet; (c) meeting the NOF requirement as stated above; (d) regulatory compliance.
Seven persons are sitting in a row. B is sitting with E and G, D is sitting with G and H, who is sitting with D and F and E is sitting with C and B. Wh...
Four of the five are related to each other in a certain way and thus form a group, find the odd one out which doesn’t belong to the group?
...Which among the following combination is true regarding Y?
Which of the following replaces blank ___(4)___?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and hence form a group, which one of the following does not belong to...
Who likes Blue?
Who among the following person stands third to the right of N?
Who sits opposite to the one who sits immediate left of K4?
Who among the following sits fifth to the left of the one who sits second from the right end of the row?
Who among the following are an immediate neighbours of E?