If an individual is unable to pay back the overdraft taken by him it is known as
Credit Risk is the risk of non-recovery of loan or risk of default. Market risk – risk from change in market value of assets Interest rate risk – risk from change in interest rate Liquidity risk – risk of not having enough liquid assets to meet short term obligations Operational risk - from inadequate or failed procedures, systems or policies, employee errors, systems failures, fraud or other criminal activity, any event that disrupts business processes
1240 600 ? 140 90 25
...14 8 6 4 7 8.5
...27 32 42 57 77 ?
...6 6 13 39 ? 226
...14 26 ? 558 4432 44270
...14, 7.5, 8.5, 14.25, 30.5, ?
...63 189 315 378 567 693
...5 4 29 24 185 ?
32, 65 , 196, 785, ? , 23557