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Banks may issue guarantees favoring other banks/ FIs/ other lending agencies for the loans extended by the latter, subject to strict compliance with the following conditions. (i) The Board of Directors should reckon the integrity/ robustness of the bank’s risk management systems and, accordingly, put in place a well-laid out policy in this regard. The Board approved policy should, among others, address the following issues: Prudential limits, linked to bank’s Tier I capital, up to which guarantees favouring other banks/FIs/other lending agencies may be issued Nature and extent of security and margins Delegation of powers Reporting system Periodical reviews (ii) The guarantee shall be extended only in respect of borrower constituents and to enable them to avail of additional credit facility from other banks/FIs/lending agencies. (iii) The guaranteeing bank should assume a funded exposure of at least 10% of the exposure guaranteed. (iv) Banks should not extend guarantees or letters of comfort in favour of overseas lenders including those assignable to overseas lenders. However, AD banks may also be guided by the provisions contained in Notification No. FEMA 8/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000 and subsequent amendments thereof. (v) The guarantee issued by the bank will be an exposure on the borrowing entity on whose behalf the guarantee has been issued and will attract appropriate risk weight, as per the extant guidelines. (vi) Of late, certain banks have been issuing guarantees on behalf of corporate entities in respect of non-convertible debentures issued by such entities. It is clarified that the extant instructions apply only to loans and not to bonds or debt instruments. Guarantees by the banking system for a corporate bond or any debt instrument not only have significant systemic implications but also impede the development of a genuine corporate debt market. Banks are advised to strictly comply with the extant regulations and in particular, not to provide guarantees for issuance of bonds or debt instruments of any kind. However, banks are permitted to provide partial credit enhancement (PCE) to bonds issued by corporates /special purpose vehicles (SPVs), NBFC-ND-SIs and Housing Finance Companies (HFCs)
The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre occurred in which year?
Who discovered the sea route to India?
Jayachandra, a historical ruler, belonged to which of the following dynasties?
Akbar'a son and successor Salim, on becoming the emperor, assumed the name of
The original name of Balban was
Who among the following did NOT belong to the Slave Dynasty?
On which river was the Battle of Saraighat fought?
Amir Khusrau was a musician and a
Timur invaded India during the reign of which ruler?
In whose reign did the Mughal painting reach its zenith?