Internal debt is that part of the total debt that is owed to lenders within the country. It is the money the government borrows from its own citizens. The government borrows by issuing the Government Bonds and T-Bills (Treasury Bills). It also includes the Market borrowings by the government. External debt is owed to creditors outside the country. The outsider creditors can be foreign governments, International Financial Institutions such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank etc., corporate and foreign private households. External debt may be of several kinds such as multilateral, bilateral, IMF loans, Trade credits, NRI Deposits in India, External commercial borrowings etc.
The word communication is derived from:
Irrigation method suitable for maize
Which of the following agency has been engaged as Technical partner for the Mission Amrit Sarovar?
What is the need for market intelligence in Agriculture?
Which statement is true?
Which of the following is best for vegetable cultivation
Which system provides the accurate positional information, which will be more useful in locating the spatial variability with accuracy?
Which one of the following is a physical method of weed control?
What is the probable impact on supply when a technological breakthrough significantly reduces the time required to produce a certain product?
Which one of the following plant nutrients is translocation regulator?