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Capital Account Convertibility of ₹: · Freedom to convert local financial assets into foreign ones at market-determined exchange rates · Leads to free exchange of currency at lower rates and an unrestricted mobility of capital · Beneficial for a country because inflow of foreign investment increases · The flip side, though, is that it could destabilize an economy due to massive capital flows in and out of the country Capital account refers to expenditures and investments in hard assets, physical premises, and factories as well as investments in land and other capital-intensive items. Current account refers to investments that are short term in duration and hence, they fall under the current account head India has full current account convertibility but partial capital account convertibility as on 2019. India has partial convertibility (40:60) in the capital account, but inside this overall policy, enough reforms have been made, and to certain levels of foreign exchange requirements. Pros and cons of Capital account Convertibility: Advantages Disadvantages
Availability of large funds by improved access to international financial markets. Market determined exchange rates being higher than officially fixed exchange rates can raise import prices and cause Cost-push inflation. Reduction in cost of capital. Improper management of CAC can lead to currency depreciation and affect trade and capital flows. The incentive for Indians to acquire and hold international securities and assets. The advantages have been found to be short lived as per studies, and also International financial institutions are skeptical about CAC post-2008 crisis. Greater financial competitiveness. Speculative activity can lead to capital flight from the country as in case of some South East Asian economies during 1997-98. Will help Indian corporate to use External commercial borrowing route without RBI or Govt approval. Imposing control would become difficult in a globalized environment once CAC is introduced. Indian residents can hold and transact foreign currency denominated deposits with Indian banks. A Certain class of financial institutions and later NBFCs can access global financial market. Banks and financial institutions can trade in Gold globally and issue loans.
(i) To tamper with a constitution that had so proved its quality seemed not so much a sacrilege as a folly.
(ii) At least he was tr...
In the question below, three sentences are given, each of which has two words highlighted in bold. Choose the word in each sentence that fits appropria...
In each of the following questions, a word has been used in sentences in THREE different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentences in which...
(i) An island in Brazil is full of poisonous snakes.
(ii) Many farmers are not aware that fertilizers are poisonous to humans to...
Directions: In each question below, word is used in four different ways. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIA...
A. His success was largely due to his diligence .
B. A fire breaks out suddenly in the house of the Empress, due to diligence ...
In the given question, a word has been mentioned and there are three ways in which the word has been used in either similar or different ways....
In the following question, a word has been used in sentences in THREE different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentences in which the usa...
Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.