
    Refer to the following information to answer the next 4 questions To better understand what motivates human beings,  a famous American psychologist proposed that human needs can be organized into a hierarchy. It is one of the most popular theories on motivation that explains that humans are highly motivated to fulfill their needs, which is based on hierarchical order that starts with the most basic needs and subsequently moves on to higher levels. The main goal of this need hierarchy theory is to attain the highest position or the last of the needs. According to the theory, when a lower need is met, the next need on the hierarchy becomes our focus of attention.

    Which theory is being talked about in the given passage?

    A Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Herzberg’s Factor theory Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Alderfer’s ERG theory Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D McClelland’s Theory of needs Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Gregor’s Theory X and Y Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory by  Abraham Maslow , which puts forward that people are motivated by five basic categories of needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow's theory presents his hierarchy of needs in a pyramid shape, with basic needs at the bottom of the pyramid and more high-level, intangible needs at the top. A person can only move on to addressing the higher-level needs when their basic needs are adequately fulfilled.  

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