IIBX is India’s first International Bullion Exchange set up at International Financial Services Center (IFSC) at GIFT City in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Its establishment was announced by the government in Budget 2020 and was inaugurated on July 29, 2022. The IIBX is expected to pave the way for India’s larger role as a global price-setter for bullion.
How many steps are required to complete the given arrangement?
If the entry code of Batch C on Tuesday (2nd May, 2017) was “the user can also over ride bionic hand control", then what was the entr...
Given the following
Input: “the team was able to achieve this by”
What step will be the following arrangement?
How many elements are between ‘identical and ‘29’ in step III?
Which word/number is third to the right of eighth element from right end in step-III?
What is the sum of the third element from the left in step II and second from the right in the last step?
What is the position of ‘ person’ in step IV?
What is the difference between the third element from the right in step IV and the fourth element from the left in step III?
Which number would be at the fourth position from the left end in the last step of the output?
What is the difference between the numbers which is third from the right end and second from the left end in Step V?