The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) cancelled the recognition certificate granted to Brickwork Ratings India, one of the seven registered credit rating agencies (CRAs) in the country, for “repeated lapses” and irregularities in “discharging its duties”. The Sebi directed Brickwork to wind down its operations within six months and intimate its clients about the same. During this period, Brickwork cannot onboard any new clients or take fresh mandates.
What is pH of Lemon Juice?
In the Global Hunger Index 2022, India’s rank is:
What is the name of the portal that facilitates the automatic triggering of activities for pending tasks nearing the Turnaround Time and complaints regi...
Elon Musk Founded a company in 2002 in ____.
Out of given countries, which is not a part of G20?
Which type of banks are allowed to participate in government related business?
Which Indian state celebrates the Rann Utsav, also known as the White Desert Festival, annually from the end of November till New Year's February?
The famous Sardar Sarovar dam has been built on which of the following rivers?
In 2019, the Honourable Supreme Court ordered the demolition of five apartments in Ernakulam’s Maradu Municipality for violation of which rules and re...
The Mansabdari system introduced by Akbar was borrowed from the system followed in ________.