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Explanation: Advantages of Demographic Dividend Economic Growth- A young demography increases the Labour Force in the Country. It ultimately leads to better economic growth. It also gives rise to increase in the savings rate in an economy. Fiscal Space- A self-dependent young demography releases significant fiscal space for needy. Government resources can be diverted towards investing in physical and human infrastructure. Industrialisation- Higher number of young workers help in rapid industrialisation and urbanisation. Effective policy making- Fine-tuning the planning and implementation of schemes and programmes by factoring in population dynamics is likely to yield greater socio-economic impact and larger benefits for people.
Statements: P ≤ Q > R > T > U, Q ≤ O < S, T < V
I. R < S
II. P > U
Statements: J < K = L ≥ M ≥ P; F ≥ K < G
Conclusion I. J < G II.F ≥ P
...Statement: F < G < H ≥ J; F ≥ K > L
I. H > L
II. H = L
Statements: W ≤ T = R; T < U < S; X = W ≥ Y
I. S > Y
II. W ≥ S
III. U ≥ Y
Statements: G < H ≤ I, V ≥ W = G, R ≥ I = A
Conclusions :I. R > G II. A ≥ H III. H ≤ R
...Statements: L > M > Z ≥ S < R = O < N
I. N ≥ L
II. L > S
...Statements: X = P ≥ M; M > M > I > L; P < L < G
I. G > I
II. X ≥ L
III. L < L
In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given two conclusions is /are definitely true and the...
Statements: V ≥ W > X = Y, C > D = E ≥ V
Conclusions :I. E ≥ W
II. D ≥ Y
III. C > V
...Statements : M ≤ N; O < R; O = N; S ≥ Q; N > S
Conclusions :
(i) Q < M (ii) N ≥ Q (iii) M > R