The value of derivative is determined by
Derivatives are so called because they have no value of their own. They derive their value from the value of some other asset, which is known as the underlying. For example, a derivative of the shares of Infosys (underlying), will derive its value from the share price (value) of Infosys. Similarly, a derivative contract on soybean depends on the price of soybean.
A. feelings of insecurity and open up
B. to stop focusing on my
C. I sat there with my friends
D. it took a fire for me
A. i never saw two
B. man working miserably
C. men do more with
D. in my whole life than they did
E. one-and-two pence worth of butter
A But a sprig was taken and planted in one of the hills of Sri Lanka.
B The original tree is no longer there.
C That sprig grew into a tre...
Rearrange the parts of the sentence in the correct order.
1. Do not be anxious about
P-thanksgiving, present your requests to God
Select the most appropriate sequence from the given options to make a meaningful paragraph from jumbled sentences.
A. Mr Adams was very proud o...
Below are given a few sentences with their parts jumbled in a random order. Below the sentences are given possible rearrangements of the parts. You nee...
Each question is divided into four parts a,b,c,d. In some questions they are not in the sequence so according to grammar and context re- arrangement is...
In the questions given below, a sentence has been divided into four fragments (A), (B), (C) and (D) and is arranged (not necessarily in the correct ord...
resulting in a boost to the real estate sector (A)/the significance of owning homes, there has been (B)/ in recent times, with people realising (C)/ a s...
In the questions given below, a sentence has been divided into four fragments (A), (B), (C) and (D) and is arranged (not necessarily in the correct ord...