The circular "Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings" mandates that Authorized Dealers monitor positions beyond USD 100 million to ensure they are backed by contracted exposure.
Section 15 of the Prevention of Corruption Act deal with________
Who is a financial creditor under the IBC?
An absconder’s property is sold after how many months after attachment of his property?
...Which of the following articles deal with Fundamental Rights?
Which of the following agreements is void?
Who shall be liable for offence of bribing committed by a commercial organisation on a public servant as per the Prevention of corruption Act
In 2020, the Ministry of Home Affairs constituted a committee to review the three codes of criminal law. Who was appointed as the head of this committee?
In a Criminal proceeding against any person, husband and wife of such person are _____________
Under which chapter of Criminal Procedure Code is the provision as to bail and bonds covered?
Who has the been vested with the power to establish the Depositor Education and Awareness Fund as per section 26A of the Banking Regulation Act?