Nagaland launched India’s first disaster management insurance scheme named Disaster Risk Transfer Parametric Insurance Solution (DRTPS)
Which of the following is known as Horn of Africa?
Who has won the Singapore Open Titles 2022?
Who articulated the 'Drain Theory', stating that the economic troubles of India were due to the constant drain of wealth to Britain?
Where was the three day B 20(Business 20) meeting held from 22nd to 24th January, 2023?
Where will the 8th edition of the India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2024, themed 'The Future is Now,' be held from October 15-18?
The Gateway of India is located in which city.
Where is the headquarters of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited located?
Which Indian river drains into the Bay of Bengal?
Recently in an announcement, India will be supplying how much % ethanol blended petrol at selected petrol pumps by April 2023?
Who is appointed as an Additional Director of LIC HFL Board?