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When the performance obligation is satisfied. Under IND AS 115, revenue should be recognized when the performance obligation is satisfied. A performance obligation is defined as a promise to transfer a good or service to a customer. The satisfaction of a performance obligation occurs when control of the promised good or service is transferred to the customer. This means that the customer has the ability to use and benefit from the good or service and also bears the risks and rewards associated with ownership of the good or service.
Which of the following is NOT a pest of paddy plant?
The nematodes, as a rule, are bisexual existing as separate:
Which nutrient deficiency is responsible for "Khaira disease" in paddy?
The theme of agricultural development in India during 2016-2017 is
Which among the following soil resource indicators gives the highest priority for evaluating agricultural sustainability?
Choose the correct option
Assertion (A): Sunhemp is used for the manufacturing of tissue paper and currency paper
Reason (R): Sunhemp fibr...
The historical Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is often adopted to predict
In which of the following crop staggering is not required for hybrid seed production?
Which cost concept includes the value of human labor, seeds, fertilizers, and interest on working capital used in farm management?
The crop that is used for the production of both oil and fiber is called ____.