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The RBI notified that District Central Co-operative Banks are allowed to close their un-remunerative branches without prior permission of the central bank, though a nod will be needed from the Registrar of Cooperative Societies of the respective state. The bank should give two months notice in advance to all existing depositors/ clients of the branch through press release in local leading newspapers as well as communicate to each constituent of the branch, well in advance of the closure of the branch. Also, the District Central Co-operative Bank (DCCB) should return the original licence/s issued for the closed branch to the Regional Office concerned of the Reserve Bank. However, DCCBs will not be allowed to close branches if restrictions have been imposed on the bank by the RBI.
Which key combination is used to search in Windows Explorer?
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EDBIC code can support how many different representation of characters?
What is the use of "," symbol in MS Excel?
The language used to program first-generation computers was primarily:
Which shortcut key is used to create a new folder in MS Windows?
What is the total number of bits in an IPv4 address?
Which out of the following represents STAR topology of Network?
What are programs such as Microsoft Edge that serve as navigable windows into the Web called as?
Warm booting when a computer is restarted by pressing the combination of Which Key?