The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled the Certificate of Registration of Chennai-based Ind Bank Housing Ltd. Indian Bank and HUDCO (Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd) are major shareholders in the housing finance company, holding 51 per cent and 25 per cent stake, respectively. The company was set up in 1991. The housing finance company’s net loss widened to ₹55.78 lakh in FY23 against ₹12.93 lakh in FY22.
Which of the following is also called Golden Fiber?
Amongst the following, Which is the venue of the International Dairy Federation world Dairy Summit?
Full form of ICAR is-
What is the primary focus of India Exim Finserve IFSC Private Limited, the subsidiary launched by Exim Bank?
e-National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) was launched in the year___
The conversion period for organic farming under PKVY is
Brinjal is a good source of which element?
Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP), a programme that intends to help the rural poor (from SHG eco-system) to set-up enterprises at the v...
Who is considered the father of the Green Revolution in India?
“Sankalp se Siddhi” - Village and Digital Connect Drive, is launched by which of the following ministry?