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The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has charged the Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) L&T Finance with Rs 2.50 crore for failing to adhere to certain regulatory provisions regarding interest rates. The NBFC had not disclosed to its retail borrowers the gradation of risk and rationale for charging different interest rates to different categories of borrowers in the loan application form or sanction letter. It also failed to notify the change in the penal interest rate to its borrowers whenever it charged higher rates than what was communicated at the time of sanction. Additionally, it failed to give notice of change in the terms and conditions of loans to its borrowers when the NBFC charged an annualised rate of interest, which was higher than what was communicated at the time of sanction.
The RBI has signed a Currency Swap Agreement with the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA); the SAARC Currency Swap Agreement came into operation in ______...
Arrange the following functions performed by the Constituent Assembly in a chronological order:
1. Adoption of National Flag
2. Election o...
An optical device Y has a positive focal length. Y is:
Consider the following statements: DNA Barcoding can be a tool to:
1. assess the age of a plant or animal.
2. distinguish among species th...
Tap ‘A’ and tap ‘B’ can fill a tank in 40 hours and 30 hours, respectively. If both taps are opened together, then find the time after which tap...
Who among the following Speakers of Lok Sabha formally disassociated from the political party after his election as the Speaker?
Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding “Employee provident fund organization”?
Which of the following is incorrect regarding “Atal pension yojana”?
I. It provides a minimum guaranteed...
Which part of the Indian Constitution has only one Article 51-A, which deals with the Code of 11 Fundamental Duties for the Citizens?
The term shell company sometimes seen in news, it refers to