The Central Bank of India Ltd’s shares rose 3.26 per cent after the company established a Co- Lending Partnership with Kisetsu Saison Finance (India) Private Limited, focusing on providing competitive MSME Loans. This collaboration aims to foster the expansion of portfolios for both entities. Under the agreement, Kisetsu Saison Finance will originate and process MSME loan proposals, with the Central Bank of India acquiring 80 per cent of these loans under mutually agreed terms. The partnership is anticipated to enhance customer experience and broaden their collective presence across India.
No cabin is a room.
All rooms are houses.
No house is a flat.
Some flats are apartments.
Some Rank is Scores.
All Scores is Subjects.
Only Subjects is Letter.
I. Some Letter is not ...
Some states are towns.
No town is a village.
All villages are cities.
I. Some towns are citi...
No red is white.
All white are orange.
Some Orange are blue.
I. No red is blue.
II. N...
Statements: Some ractangle are envelope.
All envelope are square.
Statements: All covers are glasses.
Some caps are covers.
No cup is a cap.
Conclusions: I. Some cups are not...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Only a few Products are Price.
Only Prices are Place.
No Price is Promotion.
I) Some Pro...
Some authors are teachers.
All teachers are poets.
Some poets are artists.
I. Some aut...
In the questions given below there are three statements followed by three conclusions I, II and III. You have to take the three given statements to be ...