Explanation: The systems approach does provide tools and techniques for managers to analyze and understand complex organizations. Therefore, option C is not a disadvantage of the systems approach.
Actinomycetes prefer which condition for their growth
Acetic acid can be used as
Lantana camara is NOT among some of the important weeds of:
The first confirmed occurrence of herbicide resistant strain of a weed species in US was associated with
How many principles are there for plant distribution?
In mitosis, chromatids move to opposite pole during
An organized educational activity for involving and educating farmers by bringing together the farmers, scientists, extension workers, input agencies, d...
In the context of agricultural trade, what does the acronym "WTO" stand for?
How much subsidy will be provided to women beneficiaries for 20 HP tractor under Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) scheme?
Cankerous spot formation occur in which among the following disease’?