The Rule of 72 is a simplified formula that calculates how long it will take for an investment to double in value (t), based on its rate of return. As per the rule: t ~ 72/rate of interest Here, using the Rule of 72, divide the rate of interest in absolute terms by 72, i.e. 72/12 = 6 years approximately To cross check, if P=100 and r =12% and n=6 A = 100*(1.12)6 = 197.38 which is approximately double the amount of the Principal.
निम्नलिखित में से अदिनांकित माल शब्द का वित्तीय शब्दावल...
निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से सहयोग का पर्याय नहीं होगा।
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Discrepancy के लिए सही हिन्दी पारिभाषिक शब्द है
The following Hindi sentences are followed by four different ways in which they can be paraphrased in English language. Identify the option wh...