According to the Economic Survey 2023-24, the insurance density in India increased by $1 from FY22 to FY23, going from $91 to $92 per capita; essentially showing a very slight increase in insurance density. Key points: Insurance density in FY22: $91 Insurance density in FY23: $92
Which material is primarily responsible for the elasticity found in leggings and athletic apparel?
The hair of shaving brush clings together when removed from water due to –
Which one of the following is used to remove Astigmatism for a human eye?
Which metal exhibits the highest electrical conductivity among the following?
Which state of matter has the highest intermolecular forces?
What is the colour of neutral wire?
1) Red
2) Green
3) Black
4) Yellow
A ray of light from the object parallel to principal axis of a concave lens, after refraction appears to diverge from which point on the same side of th...
Which of the following is the least penetrating power rays ?
Minimum Distance for proper vision is
Iron, Nickel and Cobalt are the examples of