The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana has introduced a new category called "Tarun Plus" to cover loans ranging from ₹10 lakh to ₹20 lakh. This new limit took effect on October 24, 2024. This announcement also introduces a new loan category, Tarun Plus, designed specifically for those who have previously availed and successfully repaid loans under the Tarun category, allowing them to access funding between ₹10 lakh and ₹20 lakh. The Mudra Loans include:
What’s the total horticulture production of India as per the 2nd advance estimates of 2020-21
ICAR was established in the year?
What term describes genes that enhance the survival of individuals under certain stresses or conditions?
Ceteris paribus means
Which of the following is a physical change?
Which two fishes are specifically grown for commercial purposes in Uttarakhand?
What is the plant population for long rice?
Which of the following is false?
Tikka disease of groundnut spreads fast under the conditions of:
Which of the following potassium fertilizer is mainly used in production of Horticultural crops?