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Section 73 and 74 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, provides that a new trustee can be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the trust deed or by the court in specific circumstances, such as the death or incapacity of an existing trustee. Section 73 says that when a trustee cannot continue their role due to reasons like death, declining the position, being absent from India for six months, becoming insolvent, or being deemed unfit by a Civil Court, a new trustee can be appointed. The appointment can be made by a person named in the trust document or, if no such person exists, by the trust's creator (if alive and capable), the remaining trustees, the legal representative of the last trustee, or retiring trustees with the court's approval. The appointment must always be made in writing. The number of trustees may also be increased during this process. The Official Trustee can be appointed as the sole trustee with their consent and a court order. If a trustee named in a will dies before the testator, or if a retiring trustee is willing to assist in appointing a new trustee, those situations are also covered under this provision. These rules ensure the trust continues to function effectively, even when changes in trusteeship occur. Section 74 mentions appointment by Court - Whenever any such vacancy or disqualification occurs and it is found impracticable to appoint a new trustee under section 73, the beneficiary may, without instituting a suit, apply by petition to a principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction for the appointment of a trustee or a new trustee, and the Court may appoint a trustee or a new trustee accordingly.
Which phenomenon is characterized by an abrupt increase in temperature at some altitude instead of the expected decrease?
What term refers to the time between the first water supply to the land and the last watering before harvesting?
Which scattering phenomenon is responsible for the primary cause of the blue color of the sky?
Which atmospheric layer contains the maximum concentration of ozone and is critical for absorbing harmful UV radiation?
Which wind belt is characterized as an equatorial belt of calms and variable winds?
Which river's basin is associated with the Bhakra Nangal Project in India?
What is the precipitation type characterized by small pellets of transparent ice, typically 5 mm or less in diameter?
Which category of soil is highly permeable & excessively drained with low water holding capacity thus require more frequent irrigation for successful cr...
PF value at field capacity is
Which plants are classified as 'Sciophytes'?