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PBP = 11,42,000/4,00,000 = 2.855 which implies 2 years and (0.855 *!2 months = 10.26 months)
Which one of the following is an animal-origin insecticide?
Lactose found in milk is a disaccharide composed of:
Which institution took over the role of the Planning Commission in 2014?
What is the purpose of geographical indication (GI) tags in Uttar Pradesh's agricultural strategy?
When was the Community Projects Administration established under the Planning Commission?
The Central AGMARK Lab is located at
Extrachromosomal DNA can be found in
The term 'silage’ includes
Which revolution is related to fruit production?
Which anti-transpiration technique employs chemicals like PMA and atrazine to reduce photosynthesis, limiting their application due to potential constra...