External benchmark rate means the reference rate which includes: (a) Reserve Bank of India policy Repo Rate (b) Government of India 3-Months and 6-Months Treasury Bill yields published by Financial Benchmarks India Private Ltd (FBIL) (c) Any other benchmark market interest rate published by FBIL.
The body of priests not only said any communal (A) tension would have an adverse (B) impact on the economy of the temple town but also sought (C) ...
1) Decietful
2) Desolate
3) Ingridient
4) Poisonus
Choose the word with the correct spelling.
The purpose (A) of genome sequencing (B) is to understand the role of certain mutations (C) in increasing the virus’s infecsivity (D) .
...In 2021, his company will launch a vehicel that is capable of servicing two to three dozen satellites in a distant geostationary orbit.
Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.
Sukhbeer can be saw chasing monkeys with a stick.
In the question below, a sentence is given, four words have been highlighted in bold. Find out if the words are appropriate (grammatically and contextu...
Select the incorrectly spelled word:
A study conducted in Australian had shown that plain packaging accelerated the decline in smoking preveilance and reduced the appeal of tobacco...