Which of the following areas are monitored in a PCA framework for evaluating whether the Non Banking Finance Companies (Deposit-taking and Non-deposit taking) is to be brought under the ambit of Prompt corrective action or not?
PCA Framework monitors the NBFCs in the following areas 1. NBFCs-D and NBFCs-ND are monitored in the areas of Asset Quality and Capital 2. CICs are monitored in the areas of Asset Quality, Capital and Leverage. PCA Framework tracks the following indicators of NBFCs 1. For NBFCs-D and NBFCs-ND the framework will track indicators like Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio (CRAR), Net NPA Ration (NNPA), Tier-1 Capital Ratio. 2. For CICs, the indicators are NNPA, Adjusted Net Worth/Aggregate Risk Weighted Assets and Leverage Ratio. The NBFCs will be put under the PCA Framework on the basis of the audited Annual Financial Results along with the Supervisory Assessment done by the RBI. However, RBI can impose this framework during the course of the accounting year itself if the existing circumstances so demand.
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