A Corporate Debtor who has committed a default of at least Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakh Only) is eligible to make an application before the AA for initiation of PIRP. In a case where there is a default of an amount above Rs.1,00,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore Only), PIRP will not apply. the MSME which is applying for initiation of PIRP should not have undergone PIRP or should not have completed CIRP, during the 3 (three) years preceding the initiation date of PIRP; CIRP and PIRP cannot run simultaneously. Therefore, the MSME should not be undergoing any CIRP
Sugar when heated beyond their melting point decompose and form a brown mass known as …….
...The term culture refers to the ______growth of microorganism in _____ __
Which of the following methods refers to deactivation of microbes in food using electricity?
Which of the following produce burnt flavor in milk
a) Streptococcus
b) E.coli
c) Aeromona...
Whole egg is pasteurized in order to eliminate which of the following sp.
Major protein found in wheat is/are
Viruses are known to infect
a. Plant
b. Bacteria
c. Fungi
d. ...
Aseptic processing was invented by…..in the year……
________is used in the chill proofing of beers.
Milk is an example of………..emulsion & Butter is……….emulsion.