The three most well known models for communication are Linear, Interactional, and Transactional: · Linear model - A linear model of communication envisages a one-way process in which one party is the sender, encoding and transmitting the message, and another party is the recipient, receiving and decoding the information. According to the model, many things can affect the one-way communication process. For instance, the choice of channel selected may affect the way a receiver interprets a message. Also, a number of disruptions can occur at any point – they're known as ‘noise’. It can include ‘psychological noise’, whereby the psychological state of the receiver will affect the interpretation of the message, including stress, anxiety, anger and so on ( Presence of Noise ). Since it is one way, there is no feedback involved in this model of communication (Absence of feedback). It is used in broadcast advertising. · The interaction model of communication describes communication as a two-way process in which participants alternate positions as sender and receiver and generate meaning by sending and receiving feedback within physical and psychological contexts · Transactional model of communication is the exchange of messages between sender and receiver where each take turns to send or receive messages. ... The model is mostly used for interpersonal communication and is also called circular model of communication .
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