Permanent Retirement Account Number, commonly referred to as PRAN, is a unique 12 digit numeric code allotted to the subscribers of NPS. It helps identify and distinguish one subscriber from another, avoids overlapping in case of same names or details and helps subscribers to check the balance in their NPS Account
In Haryana state, what does SYL stands for?
Which type of climate is found in Uttar Pradesh?
Newton's first law explains which phenomenon observed in a moving bus?
What is the full form of ATM?
Until when has the duration of the Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme (EMPS) 2024 been extended?
India has partnered with which of the following countries for the inauguration of the Center of Excellence for Vegetables in the country?
By the Chief Minister of the state, 18 new taxis have been provided for the public with a new campaign ‘Ride with Pride’ for the convenience...
Which of the following supervises the functioning of Housing Finance Companies?
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy digitally inaugurated 13 new districts in the state. Now, what is the total number of districts in th...
Recently who has become the President of Indian Olympic Association (IOA)?