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Currently, the use of the OFS route is limited as present rules allow only promoters and those holding more than 10 per cent stake to avail of this mechanism. However, last week Sebi announced major modifications to the framework. Now, any shareholder can use the OFS route as long as they are selling shares worth over Rs 25 crore. Furthermore, the cooling-off period required between two OFSs has been reduced to as less as two weeks from 12 weeks at present. This will help companies sell shares in one or more tranches to ease out liquidity pressure.
Where is Gol Gumbaz situated ?
Consider the following statements: DNA Barcoding can be a tool to:
1. assess the age of a plant or animal.
2. distinguish among species th...
Under the Maternity Benefit Act, of 2017, women employees are entitled to how many nursing breaks during their working hours?
In March 2023, where was the space design laboratory for startups by the space company In-Space inaugurated?
In March 2022, which bank did RBI direct to stop onboarding new customers?
Consider the following:
1.Swachh Bharat Mission - 2 oct 2015
2.Ujjawalla yojana - 1 may, 2016
3.PM jan dhan yojana - 28 august, 2...
Which of the following cube in the answer figure CANNOT be made based on the unfolded cube in the question figure?
A sum, when invested at 12(½)% simple interest per annum, amounts to ₹8,250 after 2 years. What is the simple interest?
Find out which of the answer figures from the options can be formed using all the pieces given in the problem figure.
When was the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, enacted?