Chairman, SEBI launched ‘Saa₹thi’ – SEBI’s Mobile App on Investor Education. The SEBI Mobile App aims to create awareness among the investors about the basic concepts of Securities Market, KYC Process, trading and settlement, mutual funds, recent market developments, investor grievances redressal mechanism, etc. The App is available in Hindi and English. The Android and iOS versions of the App can be downloaded from Play Store and App Store respectively. Note - Such dynamic aspects are covered in Live Classes for Revision for Finance and also in the Additional Information according to latest SEBI and RBI Circulars for SEBI General and Research
In conservation tillage, the minimum land surface covered by crop residues is
The factor which is NOT contributing to the change in the rural market are:
RRB came into the existence in the year _______.
Katte disease of cardamom is transmitted by which insect?
In substrate level phosphorylation which product is formed?
Lysine is a limiting amino acid in:
__________________ aids synthesis of plant-growth substances and enzyme systems, and is essential for promoting certain metabolic reactions, its deficie...
Which is an example of a false fruit, formed from parts other than the ovary wall?
The nitrifying bacteria are
Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: Theoretically, a planophile can...