As per the Circular of RBI dated 14.01.2022 Registration of assignments of receivables transactions (1) Where any trade receivables are financed through a Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS); the concerned TReDS on behalf of the Factor shall, within a period of ten days, from the date of such assignment or satisfaction thereof, as the case may be, file with the Central Registry the particulars of (a) Assignment of receivables in favor of a Factor in Form I, which shall be authenticated by the authorized person using a valid electronic signature. (b) Satisfaction of any assignment of receivables on the full realization of the receivables in Form II, which shall be authenticated by the authorized person using a valid electronic signature. (2) If the particulars referred in the sub-regulation (1) are not filed within the period specified therein, the Central Registrar may, on being satisfied on an application made in this behalf stating the reasons for the delay, allow the said particulars to be filed within such additional time not exceeding ten days as he may specify, upon payment of the fee as prescribed by GoI in Registration of Assignment of Receivables Rules, 2012, as amended from time to time. (3) Every Form for registration of any transaction relating to assignment of receivables or satisfaction of receivables on realization shall be accompanied by the fee, as prescribed by GoI in Registration of Assignment of Receivables Rules, 2012, as amended from time to time, to be paid to the Central Registrar in the manner as may be specified by the Central Registrar from time to time
Under a fixed exchange rate system with perfect capital mobility, what happens when the government increases its spending?
If income elasticity is less than 1 then the goods are
Which of the following tests use rank sums?
Suppose the following bilateral spot exchange rates are being quoted for the Danish krone (DKK), the US dollar (US$) and the euro (€):
What is the Balance of current account in the above table?
In which of the following market structure Quantity is maximum?
Which of the following is correct regarding regression coefficient?
...A worker’s wage in 1996 was Rs.180. What should be the wage in 1999 so that the worker remains at the same level of consumption? [Consider 1995 as...
What is the probability of getting the sum as a prime number if two dice are thrown?
Factor endowment theory is also known as
a. Modern theory of international trade.
b. Classical theory of...