Continue with your mobile number
The correct answer is B
Direction: In the sentence given below, a part is highlighted and suggestions for its correction are given below the sentence. Choose the correct opti...
This is a classic and simple story that never fail to be funny and interesting.
years, the share of Karnataka has reduced slightly,(A)/ notwithstanding a steady increase in the volume (B)/ by 0.249 lakh tonnes between 2022-23 and ...
IQ tests are not the ultimate method to evaluating human potential.
People living in the six disputed areas should being allowed to choose where they want to live.
His advice to them was to not to lose faith in God.
In the following question, a sentence is given with a phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. Select the option given below that can replace the highlight...
The new manager is soft-spoken and is considerable to all.
In the following question, one part of the sentence is being bold. Below are given options suggesting replacements to the bold part, which may improve ...
The government has left many substitute and procedural clauses to the rule-making processes which result in considered divergences as States frame d...