Short Selling is the sale of securities that the seller has borrowed rather than owning. The transaction is accompanied by pledge to acquire the stocks at a later date. As per SEBI norms, short selling shall be defined as selling a stock which the seller does not own at the time of trade. All classes of investors, viz., retail and institutional investors, shall be permitted to short sell. When traders do not have possession or do not borrow those securities while doing a trade its called naked short selling. Naked Short selling is not permitted in India
First, a little is knew to the public even today on who authored these laws or who was consulted before their introduction as ordinances.
Gita suggested that her daughter to open a savings bank account.
In the following question, one part of the sentence is being bold. Below are given options suggesting replacements to the bold part, which may improve ...
Scientists are identify a gene that improves the heat tolerance of the algae that live symbiotically with coral species.
Is this the same book like our teacher recommended?
Directions: In the questions, a part of the sentence is highlighted. Below are given alternatives that may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alt...
The district police have claimed that the arrest was aimed in preserving peace and maintaining order.
You will come to my party tomorrow, will you ?
We have denied our young the benefits of tapping into indigenous knowledge replete of time-tested techniques for improvin g non-cognitive intelli...
A little voice inside me was saying that whether I sleep I might never wake up again.