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The Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) is a prudential measure under which (as per the Banking Regulations Act 1949) all Scheduled Commercial Banks in India must maintain an amount in one of the following forms as a percentage of their total Demand and Time Liabilities (DTL) / Net DTL (NDTL); •Cash. •Gold; or •Investments in un-encumbered Instruments that include; (a) Treasury-Bills of the Government of India. (b) Dated securities including those issued by the Government of India from time to time under the market borrowings programme and the Market Stabilization Scheme (MSS). (c) State Development Loans (SDLs) issued by State Governments under their market borrowings programme. (d) Other instruments as notified by the RBI. SLR is also a tool for controlling liquidity in the domestic market via manipulating bank credit. A rise in SLR locks up increasing portion of a bank’s assets in the above three categories and may squeeze out bank credit.
In the following question a sentence has been given in its active/passive form followed by 5 alternatives. choose the option which is the correct chang...
Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.
Doctors are constantly monitoring the condition of the patient
Select the correct active form of the given sentence.
Has the villa been occupied by them?
Select the correct Passive form of the given sentence.
He drew a house in the morning.
Select the correct active form of the given sentence.
An elderly lady was knocked down by a speeding car this morning.
Choose the correct active/passive voice, which best expresses the following sentence:- Scientists successfully conducted a water detection test on Mars.
Choose the option that is the active form of the sentence.
An award was given to the film ‘Andhaa Dhund.’
You must understand clearly that this is the last time I shall allow it.
Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
She handles all tasks efficiently.
Being a very fast worker he is always liked by all his colleagues and superior too