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The tenor of the Takeout Amount with IIFCL should not exceed 85% of the economic life of the project. In case of PPP projects approved by PPPAC/EC/EI which have provision of compulsory buyback by the authority on termination, IIFCL can remain as sole lender after other lenders are paid out. In case of non- PPP Electricity generation projects having long term power purchase agreements with state utilities for majority of its capacity, IIFCL can remain as sole lender after other lenders are paid out; however, the tenor of IIFCL Takeout should not exceed 85% of the economic life of the project. In case of such non –PPP projects where IIFCL offers takeout of tenor longer than tenor of existing lenders, IIFCL‟s risks be covered by seeking guarantees from the holding company or any other form of recourse.
Which PHP function is used for connecting to a MySQL database?
What is the primary difference between a breadth-first search (BFS) and a depth-first search (DFS) in graph traversal?
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), uses well-known port 21 is used for control connection and port 20 for the
Which type of polymorphism is achieved through inheritance and method overriding?
Which of the following is NOT a comparison operator in Python?
The time required to delete a node x from a doubly linked list having n nodes is
In digital electronics, a flip-flop is a sequential logic circuit capable of storing one bit of information. Which statement about flip-flops is true?
How does public key cryptography address the issue of secure key exchange?
Which SQL keyword is used to add new rows to a table?
Which statement is true about nested try-catch blocks?