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Distributed leadership is a model in which every member of the group is ultimately responsible tor the group. In this case, members should be competent enough to know what the group needs at any given time and to meet that need by saying and doing the appropriate thing. This model places the leader as the monitor or medium of the group's process with the principal responsibility of maintaining a long-range perspective on the group's process.
Who sits adjacent to W?
Who among the following sits fourth to the right of H?
Who is to the immediate left of G?
How many unknown person sits in the table?
Who is the husband of V?
N likes who among the following cities?
Who among the following person sits fourth to the left of G?
Six persons J, K, L, M, N and O sit in a straight row facing north. O sits third to the right of N. J sits immediate left of M. M sits third to the left...
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Find the one who doesn’t belong to that group?
The number of persons sits between R and S is the same as between O and _____, when counted from the right of both S and O?