Niche financial centers focus on specific financial activities, such as commodity trading, foreign exchange, or insurance. Examples include Zurich for insurance and Geneva for wealth management. These centers offer specialized services and expertise in their respective areas and often have a competitive advantage over larger centers that offer a more diverse range of services.
Three containers have their volumes in the ratio 3: 4: 5. They are full of mixtures of milk and water. The mixtures contain milk and water in the ratio...
Consider the following pairs:Â
      King             Dynasty
Which of the following are the unitary features of the Indian Constitution?
1. Integrated judiciary
2. Single citizenship
3. Su...
Which one of the following explains the 'citizen concept' of labour?
When goods are purchased for the Joint Venture, the amount is debited to
The rectangle represents students, the circle represents girls, the oval represents arts stream, and the triangle represents sports. The numbers in diff...
Which of the following is not an expense account?
PENCIL portal will be for elimination of which social evil?
Time is taken by two trains running in opposite directions to cross a man standing on the platform in 25 seconds and 15 seconds respectively. It took 18...
A shopkeeper sold an article after giving a discount of 20% and made a profit of Rs. 70. Find the marked price of the article if cost price of the artic...