Pine Labs announced the acceptance of the digital Rupee on its PoS (point-of-sale) terminals in partnership with ICICI Bank. The technology integration between the two entities will now support Digital Rupee acceptance at Pine Labs’ point-of-sale terminals across key retail outlets in Mumbai and Bengaluru. The partnership with Pine Labs would present a seamless payment option to the users and improve the operational efficiency of merchants with Pine Labs PoS terminals.
Soil moisture potential is measured with the help of ______instrument.
The element which becomes deficit in acidic conditions ___
Which of the following group of soil is the largest and most important group of India?
Match the following:
1. Soil moisture tension ...
Which of the following element is mobile in soil but immobile in plants?
with the help of ICT, a system to identify, analyse and manage site soil spatial and temporal variability within field for optimum profitability sustain...
Drought which is related to moisture deficits in vegetation roots , lead to crop growth stress, crop yield reduction or failure driven by low precipit...
In water logged soils maximum microbes found are
Nutrient that imparts winter hardiness to plant is____
The Fertilizer (control) order came into force in