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GFCs also play a crucial role in attracting foreign investment, both direct investment and portfolio investment. This investment can help to drive economic growth and development, create jobs, and support innovation and entrepreneurship. GFCs often offer a range of financial incentives and infrastructure to attract foreign investment, such as tax breaks, business-friendly regulations, and high-quality physical and digital infrastructure.
A man rows to a place 42 km away and comes back to the starting point. If the speed of the stream is 2 km/hr and the speed of the boat in still water is...
The downstream speed of a boat is 8 km/hr more than its upstream speed and the ratio of the speed of the boat in still water to the speed of the stream ...
A boat moving upstream takes 8 hours 48 minutes to cover a distance while it takes 4 hours to return to the starting point, downstream. What is the rati...
A man rows upstream 10 km and downstream 15 km taking 5 hours each. Find the speed of current.
A boat can travel 28 km downstream in 30 min. The ratio of the speed of the boat in still water to the speed of the stream is 5: 3. How much time will t...
A boat can travel 50 km upstream in 5 hours and 60 km downstream in 4 hours. Find the speed of the boat in still water.
The total time taken by a boat to cover (d+30) km in downstream and (d-60) km in upstream is (t+3) hours. The speed of stream is one fourth of the speed...
The downstream speed of a boat is 8 km/hr more than its upstream speed and the ratio of the speed of the boat in still water to the speed of the stream ...
A boat can cover 130 km in downstream in 10 hours and 120 km in upstream in 8 hours. Find the speed of boat in still water
On a river, Q is the midpoint between two points P and R on the same bank of the river. A boat can go from P to Q and back in 12 hours, and from P to R ...