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Financial Product means— (i) securities; (ii) contracts of insurance; (iii) deposits; (iv) credit arrangements; (v) foreign currency contracts other than contracts to exchange one currency for another that are to be settled immediately; and (vi) any other product or instrument that may be notified by the Central Government from time to time.
To whom did Aurangzeb send Garhwal to bring Suleman Shikoh, who had taken refuge at Prithvipati's place in Garhwal ?
The Sabarimala Verdict (2018) ruled on which issue?
What type of tax is commonly referred to as "paper taxes"?
In which district of Uttarakhand the first cement factory will be set up?
Where is the headquarters of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) located?
Which of the following books is written by V.S. Naipaul?
Which continent is home to the Amazon River, the largest river by discharge volume?
_______of the following banks has launched the first of its kind stressed asset recovery automated solution (SARAS) to accelerate the recovery of bad lo...
Which of the following player is not associated with shooting
The Uranium deposits are mostly found in which of the following mines of India?