Operating profit is given by EBIT or Earnings before Interest and Taxes. Operating profit margin is a profitability ratio that tells how much profit per unit of sales, a company earns from its operations, before accounting for interest cost and taxes. Operating profit margin = EBIT/Sales
Factors such as crop species, varieties, weeds, insect-pests, and diseases, which determine the crop configuration and performance of cropping pattern ...
Which Indian state produces large quantity of pulses?
Which among the following crop has Lowest seed replacement ratio?
Destructive Insects and Pests Act in India came into operation in ____
Per capita minimum requirement of vegetables and fruits together is:
Crops grown to supplement the yield of main crops are called
ZBNF stands for
The root-knot nematode was first described by..?
The Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) was established by which organization?
‘’Risk management" is a process that includes: