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Section 149. Company to have Board of Director: (10) Subject to the provisions of section 152, an independent director shall hold office for a term up to five consecutive years on the Board of a company, but shall be eligible for reappointment on passing of a special resolution by the company and disclosure of such appointment in the Board’s report. (11) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (10), no independent director shall hold office for more than two consecutive terms, but such independent director shall be eligible for appointment after the expiration of three years of ceasing to become an independent director: Provided that an independent director shall not, during the said period of three years, be appointed in or be associated with the company in any other capacity, either directly or indirectly.
A man can row the boat x km downstream and the same distance upstream in 12 hours. Also, he can row the boat 5x km downstream in 10 hours. At what tim...
A boat takes 270 minutes to travel 90 km in upstream. The same boat in the same stream takes 120 minutes to travel 50 km in downstream. Find the distanc...
When travelling downstream, a boat takes 6.25 hours to travel 275 km. If the speed of the stream is (4/11)th of downstream speed of the boat,...
Speed of a boat in still water is three times the speed of the boat in upstream. If the boat takes 40 minutes to cover 15 km in downstream, then find th...
A boat can cover 120 km in downstream in 12 hours and 100 km in upstream in 10 hours. Find the distance travelled by the boat in still water in 5 hours.
Speed of a boat in still water to speed of boat in upstream is 8: 7. If the boat can travel 450 km in downstream in 10 hours, then find the time taken b...
A man goes downstream with a boat to some destination and returns upstream to his original place in 5 hours. If the speed of the boat in still water and...
The ratio between the speed of the boat in upstream and the speed of the stream are 6:5 respectively. The boat can cover (d+140) km distance in downstre...
A boat can cover 90 km upstream and 225 km downstream in 15 hours. Speed of the stream is how much less than the speed of the boat in still water if the...
A boat can cover 130 km in downstream in 10 hours and 120 km in upstream in 8 hours. Find the speed of boat in still water