The Global Financial Centres Index is produced in collaboration between the China Development Institute (CDI) in Shenzhen and Z/Yen Partners in London.
Which of the following is not an innovative technique of minimal processing
- Which hormone is responsible for the let down of milk in cow?
What is the coverage of Pradhan Mantra Awas Yojna ?
Which of the Following Disease is not caused by Polluted Water & Unsanitary conditions?
Which variety of Betelvine is known for its dark green leaves and less pungency?
Algae are primarily known for their chlorophyll-bearing and autotrophic nature. Red algae are characterized by the predominance of which pigment?
Irrigation water safely used for irrigation purpose have SAR value
Among the following which is the component of Knowledge Consuming System (KCS)?
Food processing is the transformation of agricultural products into?
Incorrect statement related to microbial insecticide is: