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RRB’s Priority Sector Lending Targets as per RBI Ø As directed by RBI all RRB’s has to lend 75 % of total outstanding advances to the sectors eligible for classification as priority sector lending and sub sector targets. Ø The categories under priority sector are as follows: I. Agriculture II. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises III. Export Credit IV. Education V. Housing VI. Social Infrastructure VII. Renewable Energy VIII. Others Domestic scheduled commercial banks ( excluding Regional Rural Banks and Small Finance Banks ) and foreign banks with 20 branches and above has to lend 40% of Adjusted Net Bank Credit [ANBC] towards PSLs.
If Shubham finds that he is fourteen from the left in a line of boys and sixth from the right, how many boys should be added to the line such that there...
Seven students Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are going for an entrance examination. Only two students score more marks than Q. T score more marks than U but le...
Five friends M, N, O, P and Q have different heights but not necessarily in the same order. M is taller than N. Q is taller than P, who is taller than N...
Which person is second heaviest?
Six persons H, X, E, J, L and K stand in a queue according to their heights. Not more than two persons are shorter than K. L is taller than E, who is t...
Seven colleagues – Pia, Qasim, Raj, Sam, Tony, Urvi, and Vini, each has a different height. Pia is taller than only Urvi and Raj. Raj is taller than U...
Z is just older than____?
Who live on the fourth floor of flat 2?
In a queue, Amarjit is 10th from the front while Muskan is 25th from behind and Manjit is just in the middle of the two. If there be 50 persons in the q...
Who among the following has more marks than H?