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Pillars of the Basel III Norms for Banking → Pillar 1 - Minimum Regulatory Capital Requirements based on Risk Weighted Assets (RWAs): Maintaining capital calculated through credit, market and operational risk areas. → Pillar 2 - Supervisory Review Process: Regulating tools and frameworks for dealing with peripheral risks that banks face. → Pillar 3 - Market Discipline: Increasing the disclosures that banks must provide to increase the transparency of banks. Liquidity risk and measurement and management of liquidity risk is a major addition to the BASEL III norms. However, it is not one of the three pillars but a part of the mechanism to strengthen the existing 3 pillar framework under Basel Accords.
What is the key objective of the Indian government's scheme to boost pulses output?
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Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, has been declared President of Burkina Faso. What is the capital of Burkina Faso?
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TOPS is a flagship program of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports which is an attempt to provide assistance to India’s top athletes. What is the ...
With reference to the PMJJBY, consider the following statements:
1.   Age group of 18 to 50 and having a bank account.
2.   Voter ...
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Which government enterprise ranked top amongst Consulting Services Firm in Water and other Infrastructure Sectors, with highest sanctioned financed amount?