The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has proposed to extend the term-liquidity facility of Rs 50,000 crore offered to emergency health services by three months till June 30, 2022. Last year in May, RBI had announced an on-tap liquidity window of Rs 50,000 crore, at the repo rate with tenors of up to three years, to boost provision of immediate liquidity for ramping up COVID-19-related healthcare infrastructure and services in the country . It is now proposed to extend this window up to June 30, 2022 from March 31, 2022 as announced earlier
Which one of the following statements is not correct about the nature of India's federal system ?
Under which Article of the Indian Constitution can High Courts declare laws unconstitutional if they violate Fundamental Rights?
The Panchayati Raj in Rural areas and Municipality in Urban areas were introduced by which amendment acts of Indian Constitution?
Which among the following is special the special feature that distinguishes a pressure group from a political party?
It was an erstwhile princely state ruled by Chogyal dynasty. It became a ‘protectorate’ of India in 1947 after the lapse of British paramountcy. It ...
Which of the following states have been the former union territories?
1. Himachal Pradesh
2. Manipur
3. Haryana
4. Tripura
In which year was the Cabinet Mission sent to India?
Where can grievances regarding the violation of Fundamental Rights be addressed?
Under which article of the Indian Constitution is the fundamental right to life and personal liberty enshrined?
The Preamble got amended how many times?