As per Ind AS 16 on Property Plant and Equipment (PPE) the cost of the item of PPE includes: · The purchase price, which includes the import duties and any non-refundable taxes on such purchase, after deducting rebates and trade discounts · Costs which are directly attributable to bringing assets to the condition and location essential for it to operate in a manner as intended by the management · Initial estimate of costs of removing and dismantling an item and restoring a site where it is located As such, in above, all costs will be added. Testing in above case is associated with initial purchase and would be included. Subsequent testing will be part of maintenance expense. Cost of machine = 1500000+25000+18000+40000 = Rs.15.83 lakh
Golden rice, which is genetically modified, is rich in:
Which of the following is a bacterial disease?
Which one of the following is NOT a function of a retailer?
Which of the following dam is the Highest dam in India?
Managing is best defined as .............................?
Which of the following is a key objective of effective irrigation water management in Agriculture and Agribusiness?
Which fruit is richest source of Riboflavin?
The agriculture sector, which is the largest employer of workforce, accounted for a sizeable 18.8 per cent (2021-22) in Gross Value Added (GVA)of the co...
Dew can also be a water resource; accumulation of dew in north and north-east India during 6 months from October to March is
In oxygenic photosynthetic organism, photosynthetic pigment is located in ___________