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Contract costing is the tracking of costs associated with a specific contract with a customer . For example, a company bids for a large construction project like in real estate.
Awn character in rice (awn & awnless) is an example of ____
Sulphur requirement is high to crops belonging to the family:
Soil consists of four major components. Which of the following is NOT a component of soil?
Maximum emission of radiation from the sun takes place at the wave length
Queen bee lays approximately ……………….eggs per day and takes nuptial flight above ……….. from ground.
...What is the term for the complete set of activities involved in the timber harvesting process, including cutting down trees, removing branches, cutting ...
Growing of coconut, black pepper and ginger simultaneously in the same field is called
The process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of social system is known as
In Himachal Pradesh, for weed control in maize and rice crops, ______ is the popular mechanical method among farmers.
The correct order of boiling point of primary (1 ˚ ), secondary (2 ˚ ) and tertiary (3 ˚ ) alcohols is