Section 39 - Allotment of securities by company. (1) No allotment of any securities of a company offered to the public for subscription shall be made unless the amount stated in the prospectus as the minimum amount has been subscribed and the sums payable on application for the amount so stated have been paid to and received by the company by cheque or other instrument. (2) The amount payable on application on every security shall not be less than five per cent of the nominal amount of the security or such other percentage or amount, as may be specified by the Securities and Exchange Board by making regulations in this behalf. (3) If the stated minimum amount has not been subscribed and the sum payable on application is not received within a period of thirty days from the date of issue of the prospectus, or such other period as may be specified by the Securities and Exchange Board, the amount received under sub-section (1) shall be returned within such time and manner as may be prescribed.
National Agricultural Technology Project was started in the year:
Interveinal chlorosis with tints of red orange and purple colors are typical deficiency symptoms of__________
In the gravimetric process of soil moisture measurement, the soil oven dried at __ ?
The vitamin which can combine with free oxygen radicals and protect the integrity of the cell membranes is:
Cauliflorous bearing habit i.e fruits are borne on trunk and branches, is found in which horticultural crop?
Equity value of the firm is known/ derived from
What is the deficiency symptom for Magnesium in plants?
Which type of silk is spun from open-ended cocoons and is produced by Philosamia ricini, which mainly feeds on castor leaves?
In which year did tractor manufacturing start in India?
Micronutrients are better absorbed and more bioavailable from: