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Sunk Cost is a cost that has already been incurred and that cannot be recovered . In decision making, sunk costs are treated as bygone and are not taken into consideration when deciding whether to continue an investment project, as such they are irrelevant for decision making.
A Scheduled Bank is included in the
Consider the following statements regarding bridge loan:
(A) It is a loan made by a bank for a longer period to make up for permanent shortage... a facility extended by the Reserve Bank of India to the scheduled commercial banks (excluding RRBs) and primary dealers ...
What is SARFAESI about?
IDBI Bank headquarter is at
Which statement is not correct about Small Finance Bank (SFB)-
(A) SFB can provide savings vehicles to unbanked and under-banked public
What is the minimum tenure of deposits to be taken by NBFCs?
What is the maximum amount in Senior Citizen Savings Scheme Account?
Dear Money Policies implies
National Electronic Fund Transfer scheme of RBI was earlier known as: